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Who doesn’t love animals?

January 25, 2011

Who doesn’t love animals? I suppose some people don’t love animals but who doesn’t love funny talking animals? Alright, yeah, I guess there are some people who don’t love funny talking animals. But they’re in a very small minority because funny talking animals are nothing if not adorably lovely and to not love them, assuming they’re not funny talking cartoon animals because a lot of funny talking cartoon animals aren’t funny, even though many of them, not all, but many, are funny and loveable, would be like… like something!

So, if you, like me, love funny talking animals, here’s a funny video of funny talking animals from the BBC series Walk on the Wild Side. I don’t know about you, but the dentist sounded like Ricky Gervais to me.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. January 25, 2011 6:54 pm

    Loved those!


  2. scriptorobscura permalink
    January 26, 2011 4:02 pm

    Hahaha…So funny! I love it! Thank you so much for giving me a smile and a laugh today! 🙂


  3. March 13, 2011 7:16 am

    Oh, my goodness! Literally “laughing out loud”! So funny! Thank you for the laughs and delightful humour!


  4. March 26, 2011 11:26 pm

    I thought that was great! As a talking donkey myself, I am glad to see how many animals with entertaining personalities there are out there! If you’d like to read about me and my life please consider checking out my blog: 🙂


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