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Speed it up, eh?

June 10, 2021

The guys were at the point of wondering what Thursday night poker without Tom might be like. Yeah, they all agreed he was a good guy, and it was only a penny ante game, but he was just so slow to do anything that he really messed with the tempo of the game.

He’d look at the cards in his hand and then a sideways glance at one of the guys. Back to his hand, another sideways glance. Hand, glance, hand glance, and the clocked ticked-tocked on. It was wearing, and as this particular night of Thursday poker was winding down and the guys were starting to think more about going home and to bed than the $5.00 they might win or lose, Rick finally, and not too kindly, said something.

“C’mon already Tom andante up, will ‘ya?”

“Jeez, guys, why so grave?” Tom said. “I’m just trying to get allegro up on all of you.”

For RDP today: “Andante”

2 Comments leave one →
  1. June 10, 2021 6:37 am



  2. June 10, 2021 6:41 am

    Haha. Well done with the prompt.


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